Venäläinen e-urheiluorganisaatio on ilmoittanut jättävänsä kilpailullisen Fortniten taakseen (ainakin väliaikaisesti) kolmen vuoden mukanaolon jälkeen. Asiasta kertoi toimitusjohtaja Sergey Glamazda lehsitötiedotteessa.
"Leaving the discipline was a tough decision to make, as we had a team of very talented and charismatic people. I'm not only talking about the players, but content creators, managers, and everyone involved. Not to mention that I've always been happy with our sports performance."
Glamazda selvitti myös pois jäämisen syitä.
"The Fortnite ecosystem mostly revolves around players. Competitive scene and Creator Code feature are turning organizations into something unnecessary. The audience of this game mostly consists of very young people, which is not necessarily a good thing when it comes to sponsorship deals. And some categories of sponsors are straight-up denied by the publisher."