Cyberpunk 2077

Näin päivität Cyberpunk 2077 -pelin Playstation 5 -versioon

Tilaa uutiskirjeemme tästä!

* Pakollinen tieto

Cyberpunk 2077 on lopultakin päivittynyt nykyisen sukupolven loistoon. Xbox Series X:llä (ja S:llä) päivittyminen Xbox Onelta uudemmalle konsolille käy helposti ja sujuvasti silkkana sellaisenaan, mutta odotetusti Playstation 5:llä sävelet ovat tyystin toisenlaiset.

Kannattaa siis seurata tarkasti ohjeita. Vaihtoehtoja on useita, ja ne voi lueskella englanniksi videon alta täällä Gamereactorissa.

Nykypolven päivityksen latailun jälkeen tarjolla on kaksi erilaista pelitilaa. Performance Modessa on tarjolla vauhtia 60 ruutua sekunnissa 4K-kuvalla, kun taas Ray Tracing Modessa on meno 30 ruutua sekunnissa, säteenseurannan kera ja se 4K-kuva.


If the game is not installed and you own the digital version that you played on PS4:

  1. From the Dash board go to the Game Library.

  2. Under the Your Collection tab click on Cyberpunk 2077.

  3. Once you have clicked on Cyberpunk 2077, you will be given the option to choose between the PS4 and PS5 version of the game. Then select PS5 and download.

If you already have the game installed on your PS5 do the following:

  1. If you own the disc version, insert the disc. Ignore this step if you have the digital version installed.

  2. Select Cyberpunk 2077 in the main menu and press the option button on your control, the one with three dashes next to it to the left of the triangle.

  3. After you've done that press the View Product option and then the option to download the PS5 version will show. Do that.

  4. You will then be sent to check out in the PS store where you will see that the update is in the shopping cart and costs 0.0 euro. Accept the purchase, it's completely free.

To transfer save files:

  1. Go to settings on your PS4 if you have the files saved on it or PS5 if you played Cyberpunk 2077 on it.

  2. Go to the Saved Data and Gam/App settings tab

  3. Go to Saved (PS4)

  4. Tap on Cyberpunk 2077 and download the save files to Console Storage.

  5. Launch the PS5 version of the game, go to Load Game, tap square and select to download the save files.

  6. Pray to God that your save files don't get corrupted.

Cyberpunk 2077

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