Mass Effect Legendary Edition

Mass Effect: Legendary Edition lupaa tehdä pomotaistoista reilumpia

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* Pakollinen tieto

14. toukokuuta maailmalle annetaan Mass Effect: Legendary Edition, joka pakkaa samaan kokoelmaan ehostettuna versiona klassisen Mass Effect -trilogian. Aluksi viestintä keskittyi lähinnä sen painottamiseen, mitä kokoelmassa EI ole, mutta sittemmin on saatu kuulla myös siitä, millaisia muutoksia sitten lopulta ollaan peleihin tekemässä.

Game Informerille puhunut "Character Director" Kevin Meek kertoi, että muun muassa ensimmäisen Mass Effectin Matriarch Benezian kanssa käytävää taistoa rukataan aiempaa reilummaksi. Muitakin pomotaistoja saatetaan hieman tuunailla.

"I think that was a very obvious example in Mass Effect 1 where they didn't quite know whether or not they wanted to make a cover shooter where the keyword was 'cover.' So in the Benezia fight, if you remember all of the pathways that circle around it, there was no cover. No cover at all. And there was no place to add cover because the pathways were too skinny. And then you get to the corner and there would be cover, but they were all movable with biotics, so you couldn't really ever go anywhere and hunker down to create a sense of plan or strategy about how you wanted to complete that battle. With this, you can always guarantee that there is some amount of cover that you can go and hide behind and that was actually real. It's the same exact layout, but everything is now double-wide with a few added cover points."

Mass Effect Legendary Edition

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