
Rust saattaa olla tulossa konsoleille lähiaikoina

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* Pakollinen tieto

Joulukuussa kävi ilmi, että selviytymissimulaattori Rustin konsoliversio oli lykkääntynyt vuoteen 2021. Tuolloin ei uutta julkaisupäivää kerrottu.

Nyt sitten Pohjois-Amerikan ikäraja-auktoriteetti ESRB on antanut konsoliversiolle ikärajan. Ikärajana on aikuisille suunnattu M eli Mature. Toisin sanoen se varsinainen julkaisu ei liene enää kaukana.

"This is a multiplayer first-person survival game in which players compete to survive in a hostile environment. Players explore the open-world environment, gather resources, create weapons (e.g., spears, machine guns, explosives), and defend themselves from wild animals and other players."

"Players can attack and kill enemies in frenetic combat, with successful hits resulting in large splashes of blood. Players can keep shooting animals or humans on the ground (i.e., postmortem damage), accompanied by large blood-splatter effects. Battles are highlighted by realistic gunfire and explosions. When human enemies are killed, they can be harvested for body parts and cooked for food."


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