Silloin joskus Tim Burtonin piti tehdä elokuva Superman Lives, jonka pääosassa olisi nähty Nicolas Cage. Näin ei koskaan tapahtunut. DC Comicsin elokuvassa The Flash kuitenkin vilahtaa Nicolas Cagen Teräsmies digitaalisena.
CBR:lle puhunut Tim Burton kertoo, että projektin epäonnistuminen ei häntä harmita, mutta että kiivaan ajanjakson hän muistaa aina.
"No, I don't have regrets. I will say this: when you work that long on a project and it doesn't happen, it affects you for the rest of your life. Because you get passionate about things, and each thing is an unknown journey, and it wasn't there yet. But it's one of those experiences that never leaves you, a little bit."
Nicolas Cagen ilmaantumisesta elokuvaan The Flash ei Burton ole mielissään, joskaan hän ei voi tehdä asialle mitään.
"But also it goes into another AI thing, and this is why I think I'm over it with the studio. They can take what you did, Batman or whatever, and culturally misappropriate it, or whatever you want to call it. Even though you're a slave of Disney or Warner Brothers, they can do whatever they want. So in my latter years of life, I'm in quiet revolt against all this."
Nicholas Cage puolestaan oli mielissään.
"Well, I was glad I didn't blink. For me, it was the feeling of being actualized. Even that look for that particular character, finally seeing it on screen, was satisfying. But as I said, it's quick."