Ubisoft on sitoutunut päivittämään peliään The Division 2 ainakin vielä vuoden ajan. Se ei kuitenkaan tarkoita sitä, että tulossa olisi kiillotettu versio Playstation 5:lle ja Xbox Series X:lle (ja S:lle).
MP1st:lle puhunut Massive Entertainmentin luova ohjaaja Yannick Banchereau kertoi, ettei pelaajia haluta jakaa eri karsinoihin.
Uuden polven konsoleilla pelaaminen kuitenkin onnistuu tasolla 4K ja 60 fps.
"That's unlikely because if we really wanted to take full advantage of those, since we only have one version of the game that is available on all platforms, taking full advantage of those would mean that the game would no longer be available on the old generations.
"We still have a lot of players that play on all generations and we are not ready to leave them behind and ask them to upgrade. Right now we are trying to make sure every time we add something, it still runs smoothly on the old gen as well."