
The Boysin tuottajan mukaan Omni-Man pieksisi Homelanderin

Mutta Invincible vs. Homelander olisi jo toinen juttu.

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Sarjojen The Boys ja Invincible kesken on tehty vertailuja. Molemmissa ajatuksena on, etteivät supersankarit ole sen parempia kuin ne pahikset, joita he päihittävät. Mutta kuka voittaisi tappelussa Homelander vs. Omni-Man?

Invinciblen luoja Robert Kirkman vastasi kysymykseen Movie Webille. Omni-Man voittaisi.

"I've actually talked to The Boys producers Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg about this. And they have conceded that Homelander is significantly less powerful than Omni-Man, and that Omni-Man would trash Homelander easily."

Sen sijaan Invincible vs. Homelander olisi jo eri asia.

"Early series Invincible, you know, I think he would definitely have a hard time fighting Homelander."

"While Homelander might have less strength, he's got more of the Superman power set, let's just say that. So, I think Invincible would definitely have a hard time with him, especially early on in his career, because Homelander is a seasoned superhero pro. Also not going to hesitate going to a violent place whereas Mark might."


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