KUUMAA NYT: Gamescom 2022 -sisältö

Tällainen on tarina Obsidian Entertainmentin Pentimentin taustalla

Peliohjaaja ja taiteellinen ohjaaja sen kertoivat Gamescomin humussa.

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* Pakollinen tieto

Gamescom on jo taakse jäänyttä elämää, mutta paikan päällä tallennettuja ja nähtyjä asioita on koettu uudestaan Gamereactorissa. Yksi tällainen erikoisempi tapaus oli Obsidian Entertainmentin Pentiment, jonka ennakon pääsee lukemaan täällä.

Messuilla ääneen pääsivät ohjaaja Josh Sawyer ja taiteellinen ohjaaja Hannah Kennedy. Pelin käsittelemä aikakausi näkyy selvästi myös ulkoasussa.

Pentiment julkaistaan 15. marraskuuta 2022 PC:lle ja Xbox Series X:lle (ja S:lle).

"[Pentiment] is set in the early 16th century, in Bavaria, which at that time was not part of Germany but part of the Holy Roman Empire. At the beginning of the 16th century in Germany and throughout the Roman Empire there was a time of a lot of turmoil because the [Luther] Reformation was taking place and the German peasants' war, there were a lot of new social and religious ideas, so yes, this is the context we wanted our story to take."

"One of the main challenges was this time period kind of in-between the art style that was primarily eliminated manuscripts people were doing all these paintings and making books by hand and then painting all the illustrations within them, and then transitioning to woodcut printing and what illustration looked like at the time. We wanted to represent that in the game and have both... shown and both kind of these transition feeling to mirror that time period, so that was one challenge."

"We noticed at that point we were having difficulty with that... all of the illustrations of people, even within scenes from the sources of art that we were referencing, they're all in three quarter view, they never have just a back, you know, or even just a front. So we structured our scenes around that limitations so that it felt good when we saw the arts and it felts, you know, cohesive to the style of illustrations that we were copying, but then we just shape the structure around that to support it."


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