Game of Thronesin viimeinen kausi ei miellyttänyt kaikkia, ja käänteistä puhutaan edelleen. Yksi vihatuimmista hahmoista oli Cersei, jota esitti Lena Headey. Nyt on selvinnyt The Hollywood Reporterin haastattelussa, ettei ratkaisu mennyt niin kuin näyttelijä olisi itse toivonut.
"You start trying to write the story yourself, and Maisie Williams and I would fantasize about a Cersei and Arya showdown; that she would come back as Jaime. That was our dream. But they made different choices."
Headey ymmärtää toki sen, että käsikirjoittajilla oli valtaisat paineet saattaa saattaa sarja kunniakkaaseen loppuun.
"I think in hindsight, everybody understands that. You're in it, and you've been so invested, there's a moment of, 'Why?' But I absolutely get it. No. I miss the people - because you fall in love with people, and you create these family units. So that takes a little while to go though. There's a weird grief from those relationships. But I don't miss it. We did it. We put everything into it. It changed everyone's fucking world, and we'll always have it."