
Studiopomo: "Peliteollisuus siirtymässä yhä lähemmäs viihdeteollisuutta"

Féérik Gamesin pomo Fred Markus kertoi näkemyksiään pelialan tulevaisuudesta ja suunnasta Gamelabissa.

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* Pakollinen tieto

Féérik Games -pomo Fred Markus pyörähti Gamelabissa kertomassa vinkkejään uusille pelintekijöille. Tapahtuman jälkeen nappasimme hänet haastatteluun kertomaan näkemyksistään pelialan tulevaisuudesta.

Markus näkee pelialan suuntautuvan yhä enemmän perinteisestä tilanteestaan kohti viihdeteollisuutta.

"I was mentioning to them that, for example, stadia is the plural of stadium, okay, so that's why Google picked that name, and that means that the spectator is going to be as involved as the player. And everybody's looking at the streaming service, but that's not the issue. The issue is that they're all going to involve people from YouTube as much as the player into the entertainment sphere. That means the games industry is moving from... the games are moving from the games industry to the entertainment industry, and it's a totally different beast."

Striimien ja pelivideoiden katselu on osa tulevaisuutta, mutta siitä ei Markuksen mielestä tule ikinä samaa asiaa kuin itse pelaamisesta. Aktiivinen tekeminen ja passiivinen seuraaminen ovat studiopomon mielestä eri asioita.

"Linking YouTube to game streaming, it's the same thing. You can see people are streaming games, videos, putting videos online of people playing, you can see speedruns and all that kind of stuff, so people enjoy games without playing them, and Google is incredibly clever in understanding that the future of games is in the entertainment industry, not in the game industry. So they are going to link YouTube and games together, and all I'm saying to these guys is that they have to be really aware of the signs that are around us that are sometimes difficult to read."

"It's not by being attached to vintage games and all that kind of stuff that you are going to build the future of video games and entertainment - you actually have to watch what's happening. And the reason we don't watch or we don't analyse is because, again, we have a lot of cognitive bias as part of the human race."

Studiopomo: "Peliteollisuus siirtymässä yhä lähemmäs viihdeteollisuutta"

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