League of Legends

State Farm jatkaa League of Legendsin sponsorointia

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* Pakollinen tieto

State Farm on sponsoroinut League of Legendsia jo jonkin aikaa, ja nyt on saatu tietää, että sponsorointia jatketaan vuoteen 2021 saakka.

Ilouutista kommentoi Riot Gamesin Head of Esports Partnerships Naz Aletaha.

"We're proud to announce that State Farm is extending their sponsorship with League of Legends esports and the LCS, reaffirming the unparalleled value and opportunities that our sport delivers to brands. State Farm has a rich history of sponsoring some of the biggest sports and athletes in the world, and we were thrilled to be their first-ever sponsorship in the esports space at the start of our 2018 season."

League of Legends
Photo: Riot Games

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League of Legends

ARVIO. Kirjoittaja Mika Sorvari

League of Legends voisi olla viihdyttävä ja haastava joukkuepeli, mutta se on julkaistu tyystin ennen aikojaan.

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