Star Wars Outlaws

Star Wars Outlaws innoittui eniten pelistä Ghost of Tsushima

Vuoden 2020 Ghost of Tsushima asetti uuden riman.

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Ubisoft on tunnettu mittavista avoimen maailman peleistään, mutta muualtakin voi silti innoitusta hakea. Massive Entertainmentin 30. elokuuta 2024 julkaistava Star Wars Outlaws haki innoituksensa ennen kaikkea vuoden 2020 Sucker Punchin pelistä Ghost of Tsushima. Asia paljastui luovan ohjaajan Julian Gerightyn haastattelussa, josta raportoi Games Radar.

"It's super interesting because my biggest reference was Ghost of Tsushima, which is more on the Kurosawa side of inspiration than the Western, the John Ford side of the inspiration for George Lucas."

Gerighty rohkeni mainita myös Rockstarin Red Dead Redemptionin.

"Red Dead Redemption is phenomenal, [because it treats] the world as a world - not as a checklist of activities that are repeated often. But I think that Ghost of Tsushima, what I loved about it was this purity of having a player fantasy and really leaning into it. This is the story, the world, the character, everything fits together with the gameplay guiding everything. That's the fantasy of 'you are a samurai ninja in Japan.' That was one of the guiding lights for this."

Star Wars Outlaws

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