Hollywoodissa ei kaikki aina ole kivaa, ja kehnot työolosuhteet tuntuvat koettelevan myös animaatioelokuvien tuotantoa. Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Versen animaattorit ovat kertoneet pitkistä työpäivistä ja moneen otteeseen samojen jaksojen tekemisestä. Johdon asettamat vaatimukset tuntuivat mahdottomilta.
Varietylle puhuneet tuottajat Phil Lord ja Chris Millers kommentoivat asiaa. Leffa oli vaikea tuottaa, ja kaikki tekivät lujasti työtä. AY-liikkeen pyrkimyksiin kaksikko suhtautuu myönteisesti.
"In terms of "Spider-Verse," that was a really hard movie to make. We're really proud of how hard everybody worked, and it was very demanding. But we're just really proud of the crew, and everything they put into it."
"I've always been optimistic about this labor movement, because these deals seem incredibly makeable, and the main problem is that only one party wants to negotiate. But as long as both parties will come to negotiate in good faith and address the very real problems, like writers' pay — which is down 25% and is a concrete issue that can be addressed — and make the business healthy so people can do this job and pay their rent, we're going to be in great shape. I'm frustrated, but I think this is an imminently solvable problem."