Shadows of the Damned: Hella Remastered

Resident Evilin isä polkaisi käyntiin uuden studion

Kamuy Inc.

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* Pakollinen tieto

Viime vuoden helmikuussa selvisi, että Resident Evilin luoja Shinji Mikami oli lähtenyt nostelemaan Tango Gameworksilta, jonka hän perusti 14 vuotta aikaisemmin. Nyt pystyyn on laitettu uusi studio.

Kamuy Inc on homman nimi, ja asia ilmeni pelin Shadows of the Damned Hella Remastered verkkosivuilla. Mikamilla on oma profiili sivustolla.

Toisin sanoen tulossa on ehkä sitten joskus lisää ehtaa kauhua. Mahdollisesti.

"As director and producer of the Resident Evil and The Evil Within series and more, Mikami has created numerous blockbuster hit titles. 1996 saw the release of "Resident Evil", on which he acted as director. He greatly contributed to the popularization of the survival-horror genre, and has had a major impact on the video game industry ever since.

In 2010, Mikami founded Tango K.K. (renamed Tango Gameworks in October of the same year after becoming part of ZeniMax Media Inc.), after which he directed and released The Evil Within. He also acted as executive producer on Ghostwire: Tokyo and Hi-Fi Rush. After leaving Tango Gameworks, he established KAMUY Inc."

Shadows of the Damned: Hella Remastered

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