Rennsport on lähitulevaisuuden yksi lupaavimmista simracer-peleistä. Julkaisu on juuri edennyt ensimmäiseen kunnolliseen julkiseen testaukseen sekä tällä hetkellä käynnissä olevassa suljetussa moninpelissä että ensimmäisessä virallisessa kilpa-ajoon pohjautuvassa turnauksessa. Barcelonassa järjestetyssä Gamelab 2023 -tapahtumassa tapasimme Rennsportin strategia- ja liiketoiminnan kehitysjohtaja Jose Rodriguesin, sillä nykyisessä vaiheessa meillä on paljon kysyttävää julkistettavista ja viimeisteltävistä asioista.
"Yli 60 000 ihmistä" odotti jonossa pelatakseen peliä suljetussa beetaversiossa, vahvistaa Rodrigues alla olevassa haastattelussamme.
"It is built with simulation in mind", he adds about Rennsport's approach to the simracing space. "We want to make sure that we represent the best possible experience that you would have in a real car, in a virtual space. And that is actually one of the reasons why we started the competition so early in the life of the project. We are using the competition and the drivers that are the best virtual drivers in the world to give us feedback and help us improve exactly that experience. And how the car feels on the track, on the straight lines, on the curbs, accelerating."
Besides that, and before adding other promised features such as three-screen support or VR mode, "right now we are focused on making sure that, in the closed beta, that the servers are working properly, that the multiplayer experience is as smooth as it can be". In fact, about triple monitor rigs, "there are some tricks and workarounds that I've seen the community coming up with (laughs), but yeah, so for now, single screen just in the start of the closed beta. I cannot say yet if it will come further along the line with the closed beta or not".
And being so focused on the competitive side of things (the studio itself is called Competition Company), what about the more traditional single player content such a Career Mode? "We'll see", Jose briefly answers after listing what is coming to Rennsport in terms of cars and tracks:
"What I can tell you is that we are working really hard to bring additional content to the game.
Right now we have the 4 GT3 cars, we announced the Praga R1. I believe Morris [Hebecker], our CEO, mentioned at our last summit that TCR [Touring Car] is coming, LMDh [Le Mans Daytona h] is coming. We'll be bringing new tracks as well to the game. And the community knows that we also announced this track in the shape of an 8, the beta track to celebrate their memes. So that might also be coming to Rennsport soon".
Rennsport ja ESL R1 ovat kumppaneita, ja pelin ensimmäinen turnaus (jo suljettu beeta) tapahtui vain muutama päivä sitten Riadissa osana kesän mittaista Gamers8-tapahtumaa, jossa R8G Esportsin Marcell Csincsik asteli pois voittajana.
"[It's the] biggest, I think, prize pool ever in sim racing. One million dollars on the line for our team, which is a really, really cool thing. Basically, our ambition is to create this ecosystem where our teams and our partners are successful."
Toista ohessa oleva koko video saadaksesi lisätietoja Rennsportin tukemista ohjaimista, ratilla ja polkimilla kilpailemisesta tai yhteistyöstä eri kumppaneiden kanssa. Kysymys kuuluukin, että milloin Rennsport saa julkaisupäivän? Valitettavasti "ei vielä, ei", kuuluu Rodriquezin vastaus. Toistaiseksi voit vielä kokeilla ja liittyä mukaan suljettuun beetaan.