Oxenfree II: Lost Signals

Oxenfree II lykkääntyi vuoteen 2023

Night School Studios kaipaa vielä aikaa lisähiomiselle.

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Night School Studios tunnetaan pelisarjastaan Oxenfree. Harmillisesti jatko-osaa Oxenfree II: Lost Signals joudutaan odottamaan vuodelle 2023. Tavoitteena on saada ulos "jotain erityistä".

"We owe it to our amazing community to make Oxenfree II: Lost Signals the best game it can possibly be," reads the statement. "Seeing your fan art, reading your excited comments, and connecting with you fuels our ambition to make this our best game yet. To make Oxenfree II truly special and add more localizations, we're moving our release window to 2023."

Oxenfree II: Lost Signals julkaistaan sitten aikanaan PC:lle, Playstationille ja Nintendo Switchille.

Oxenfree II: Lost Signals

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