Siitä lähtien, kun Overwatch 2 julkaistiin melkein kaksi vuotta sitten, on tankkiroolilla ollut vaikeuksia löytää paikkaansa taistelukentällä. Blizzard ei ole onnistunut löytämään riittävää tasaisuutta tankille sen jälkeen, kun määrää pudotettiin kahdesta yhteen. Viime aikoina pelaajakunta on valittanut aiheesta erityisen äänekkäästi, sillä roolin koetaan heikentyneen aivan liikaa. Pelintekijät ovat yllättäen samaa mieltä pelaajien kanssa.
How are the developers going to catch and tackle the problem? Well, they've invented a concept they call "tankiness"; a measure of how much a tank "feels" like a tank.
We've come up with a new metric since Season 9 that we simply call "tankiness." It's roughly the number of deaths a hero experiences compared to how many deaths they ought to experience. There are a lot of stats that go into determining what an expected death is, and I'm not able to go into that level of detail here. The point is that your experience and our data are aligned.
Alla kerrotaan, mitä tulevaisuudessa aiotaan tehdä tankkimaisuuden lisäämiseksi:
[what] we're currently discussing is whether the path forward from here should be centered around broad, systemic changes, or per hero changes. We're discussing limited versions of the former, for instance we're looking at reduced versions of the Damage role passive. However, we'd like to do more of the latter. Individual buffs or nerfs to heroes can have a dramatic impact on their effectiveness compared to a broad change that targets all heroes or a role. Additionally, it further reinforces the differences between heroes. For example, one of the reasons Reinhardt ought to feel tanky is through his shield.
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