Overwatch 2

Overwatch 2 kuoppasi PvE-pelimuodon

Tilalla tarinallisia tapahtumia paloittain.

Tilaa uutiskirjeemme tästä!

* Pakollinen tieto

Blizzard on ilmoittanut, että Overwatch 2 -pelin pitkään lykätty tarinallinen PvE-pelimuoto on lopullisesti kuopattu. Sen sijaan tulossa on kavereiden kanssa pelattavia tapahtumia, kunhan kuudes kausi alkaa kesällä.

Syyksi kuoppaukselle on, että kehittäjät haluavat keskittyä verkkopeliin, eikä sen tarinatilan kehitys sujunut toivotulla tavalla. Asiasta kertoi vastaava tuottaja Jared Neuss.

Kuudes kausi alkaa 13. kesäkuuta.

Development on the PvE experience really hasn't made the progress that we would have hoped. The team has created a bunch of amazing content, so there's awesome missions that are really exciting. There's brand new enemies that are super fun to fight, and some truly great and ridiculous hero talents. But unfortunately, the effort required to pull all of that together to a Blizzard-quality experience that we can ship to you is huge, and there really is no end in sight or defined kind of end date where we can put that out into the world. And so, we're left with another difficult choice: Do we continue to pour all that effort into PvE, hoping that we can land it at some point in the future or do we stick with this set of values that we've aligned on and focus on the live game and focus on serving all of you? With everything we've learned about what it takes to operate this game at the level that you deserve, it's clear that we can't deliver on that original vision for PvE that was shown in 2019. What that means is that we won't be delivering that dedicated Hero Mode with talent trees, that long-term power progression. Those things just aren't in our plans anymore."

Overwatch 2

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