No Man's Sky

No Man's Sky ei ole vielä täysin lopullisesti valmis

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* Pakollinen tieto

Hello Gamesin No Man's Sky julkaistiin elokuussa 2016, ja sen jälkeen peliä on päivitetty ja monipuolistettu aina näihin päiviin asti. Mutta vieläkään ei ole valmista.

IGN:lle puhunut Sean Murray tähdensi, ettei valmista ole vielä todellakaan saatu.

"As many updates as we've done since launch and as many bucket list items we've checked off, our list of things we're excited about never seems to get any shorter. The team are always coming up with new things that they want to do with the game: new content and features and areas for improvement. I'm amazed that the energy levels are as high now as they've ever been. We tend not to talk about what's on that list publicly but suffice to say we're not done yet by a long shot."

Nyt voinemme jo antaa anteeksi pelin karmean julkaisun silloin joskus.

No Man's Sky

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