Lego Bricktales
KUUMAA NYT: Gamescom 2022 -sisältö

Näin Lego Bricktales innoittui pelistä Bridge Constructor Portal

Bridge Constructor Portal yhdisti kaksi kiintoisaa asiaa, ja Lego Group halusi seurata perässä.

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ClockStone Softwaren Lego Bricktales julkaistaan 12. lokakuuta 2022, ja samalta studiolta on aiemmin tullut sellainen pelisarja kuin Bridge Constructor. Projektipäällikkö Matthias Hilke kertoi Gamereactorille Gamescomin humussa, että Bridge Constructor Portal herätti Lego Groupin kiinnostuksen, ja he halusivat itselleen jotain samanlaista.

Lego Bricktales on tulossa PC:lle, Xbox Onelle, Xbox Series X:lle (ja S:lle), PS4:lle, PS5:lle ja Nintendo Switchille.

"Head Up, which is now Thunderful, was contacted about three years ago by Lego. They wanted to make a game where Lego, that is building with Lego Bricks, would be at the core of the game. And they were quite fascinated by the games we did before. They were fascinated by Bridge Constructor Portal because it has to do with building and shows a lot of creative potential. So, we thought, we need a game now where you want to build with bricks and be creative, but we also want to have some functional elements and physics simulation."

"The core of the game is about building brick by brick. The only game that has really done this so far is the game Lego Builder's Journey that came out three years ago. It does it very nicely but on a very small scale. You build with only a limited amount of bricks and very small elements. We are taking this a step further by having bigger worlds and also the spots where you construct something are at a larger scale. You have way more bricks and more complex things you can actually build."

Lego Bricktales

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