Valentino Rossi: The Game

Moninkertainen maailmanmestari Valentino Rossi saa nimikkopelin

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Italialainen kehittäjä Milestone ja julkaisija PQube ovat paljastaneet suunnitelmansa MotoGP-sarjan seuraavan pelin suhteen. Sen nimenä ei olekaan MotoGP 16, vaan kyseessä on Rossin nimikkopeli Valentino Rossi: The Game. Vähemmän yllättäen se keskittyy tämän 9 kertaa maailmanmestaruuden voittaneen miehen uran ympärille. Toki pelistä löytyvät sarjan perinteiset pelimuodot, eli mestaruuksia pääsee tavoittelemaan halutessaan myös muilla kuskeilla. Trailerin perusteella prätkillä kaasutellaan myös soraradoilla ja luvassa voi olla jopa autoja.

Pelin on määrä ilmestyä 2016 kesäkuussa PS4:lle, PC:lle ja Xbox Onelle. Julkistustrailerin ja englanninkielisen lehdistötiedotteen näet alta.


"We are really enthusiastic about this partnership and project", said Luisa Bixio V.P. Milestone, "Milestone has been developing MotoGP for a few years, but the experience we are going to offer all motorcycle racing and Valentino fans this year is quite simply unique. Players can grapple with the entire 2016 official championship, but most of all they can experience the passion, professionalism and experience of Valentino Rossi, both in and out of the championship, with exclusive rally and flat track content, as well as much more that only the number 46 can offer. We also like to think of this as an Italian project par excellence, which we're sure will be appreciated all over the world", concludes Bixio.

"I'm happy to announce that I'll participate in the making of Valentino Rossi The Game, along with the guys at Milestone. We chose to include both the most important elements of my MotoGP career, and all the extra circuit stuff that are so important to me, like Ranch, Rally and more. It will be fun to approach the game not only as a gamer, but also as a 'test driver'. I'll work with the development team to make sure all fans will get the best experience they ever had" - says Valentino Rossi.

Valentino Rossi: The Game

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