League of Legends

MikeYeung siirtyy Echo Foxin riveihin

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* Pakollinen tieto

Team Liquidin akatemiassa pelannut Mike 'MikeYeung' Yeung siirtyy Echo Foxiin, kertoo Liquid sivuillaan. Pelit jatkuvat siis League of Legends Championship Seriesissä eli LCS:ssä.

"As an org you always feel proud whenever a member of your academy team makes the big move to the LCS. And while we haven't had Mike "MikeYeung" Yeung on our team for very long, we always knew he would find his way back to the main stage."

League of Legends
Photo: Team Liquid

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League of Legends

ARVIO. Kirjoittaja Mika Sorvari

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