Metro 2033 on pelin ohella myös romaani, jonka on kirjoittanut venäläinen Dmitri Glukhovski. Tarina piti siirtää myös elokuvaksi.VG247 raportoi nyt, että elokuvan tuotanto on pysähdyksissä. Samaan syssyyn tarinan oikeudet on palautettu kirjailijalle. Glukhovski sanoo olevansa edelleen optimistinen elokuvan syntymisen suhteen.
"The project with MGM optioning this book and developing a script had brought us to nothing and the rights reverted to me. So currently we are speaking with a new set of producers about a possible adaptation but this is a very long and difficult process. I'm still optimistic. We'll see if the release of Metro Exodus can push the IP across a little bit the oceans and see how that works."
Elokuvan piti sijoittua Washington D.C. -kaupunkiin Moskovan metron sijasta, joka ei kirjailijan mukaan olisi toiminut.
"A lot of things didn't work out in Washington DC. In Washington DC, Nazis don't work, Communists don't work at all, and the Dark Ones don't work. Washington DC is a black city basically. That's not at all the allusion I want to have, it's a metaphor of general xenophobia but it's not a comment on African Americans at all. So it didn't work."
"They had to replace the Dark Ones with some kind of random beasts and as long as the beasts don't look human, the entire story of xenophobia doesn't work which was very important to me as a convinced internationalist. They turned it into a very generic thing."
Vaikka Metro 2033 jäissä onkin niin Metro Exodus julkaistaan 22. helmikuuta 2019 PS4:lle, Xbox Onelle ja PC:lle.