God of War: Ragnarök

Kratos olisi voinut kuolla God of War: Ragnarökin varhaisessa versiossa

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Luvassa juonipaljastuksia God of War: Ragnarökin tarinasta.

Pelissä God of War: Ragnarök Kratos ei kuole lopuksi. Moista kuitenkin vahvasti ja vakavasti harkittiin. "Narrative director" Matt Sophosin mukaan varhaisin versio pelin tarinasta sisälsi huomion Kratoksen kuolemasta, joka olisi tapahtunut ensimmäisessä taistossa Thoria vastaan.

"And so he was gonna die, and then it wasn't a permanent death. What was going to happen - and I don't care, we can tell this, because it doesn't happen any more so this is all fan fiction at this point - he would get pulled out of Hell, essentially, by Atreus. But it's now been, like, 20 years have passed - it was going to be a big time jump-type thing. So that was a version of it."

Lopulta Kratos ei menehtynytkään, sillä pelin ohjaaja Eric Williams ei pitänyt moisesta käänteestä. Sophosin mukaan valittu loppu antoi paremmat mahdollisuudet kohtalon uhmaamiselle.

"Knowing that Norse mythology is all about fate and prophecy and everything, and we wanted to say 'that's bullshit', you know? Nothing is written that can't be unwritten, as long as you're willing to make changes in your life then you're not bound to fate."

God of War: Ragnarök

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