Ensi kuussa Early Access -vaiheeseen siirtyvä Killsquad sai tekijätiimi Novaraman avaamaan sanaisen arkkunsa teoksestaan. Jututimme Daniel Sánchezia E3-messuilla heinäkuun 16. päivä Early Accessiin siirtyvästä teoksesta.
Killsquad asettaa palkkametsästäjien saappaisiin. Tavoitteetkin ovat selvät: raha ja kunnia.
"Killsquad is a dream project of Novarama because for a long time we've been a huge fan of games like Diablo, Left 4 Dead, Heroes of the Storm, so we wanted to do something in that space. And so with Killsquad, that's what we tried to do."
"It's an action-RPG but the focus is to give you something that's really, really short and really tight as an experience. So the average mission in Killsquad lasts half an hour, and then the progression during that mission is similar to Heroes of the Storm."
"So characters are going to always start Level 1 on that mission, and during the level, they're going to level up and gain new skills, and of course these skills are depending on their class because we have different character classes.
"So again, what we're trying to do is a very classic RPG, but also an RPG that takes ideas from MOBAs, takes ideas from games like Left 4 Dead - so there's a little bit of all the games we've loved through the years in this game."
Katso alla olevalta videolta koko haastattelu.