Halo Infinite

Jokainen Xbox Game Studiosin peli julkaistaan heti myös Xbox Game Passin valikoimissa

Xbox-pomo Sarah Bond sen paljasti.

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* Pakollinen tieto

Xbox-pomo Sarah Bond on sanonut jälleen kerran ääneen sen, mikä on ollut iso juttu jo pitkään. Jokainen Xbox Game Studiosin peli saatetaan heti julkaisussaan myös Xbox Game Passin valikoimiin. Toisin sanoen myös Call of Duty heti valikoimiin, eikö niin?

Bloombergin tiedoista kertoi Xbox Era.

"We know our core users love game pass, game pass is a gaming subscription, you get a whole portfolio of games, but importantly you get every single one of the games we build day one in game pass. And the quality and the breadth of those games has only been going up over time. And you're going to see some more really big games going into Game Pass later this year."

Entä sitten ne Activision Blizzardin pelit? Tähän Bond ei vastannut kovinkaan selkeästi, mutta ilmeisesti vastaus oli että "joo".

"Across the whole slate, across the whole slate, you're going to see some really amazing things. And keeping that as something that is really special for Xbox players is central to us."

Halo Infinite

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