Avatar: Fire and Ash

James Cameronin mukaan elokuva Avatar: Fire and Ash on aiempaa vihaisempi ja väkivaltaisempi

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Se kolmas Avatar-elokuva julkistettiin Disneyn kuulumisia juhlistavan D23-tilaisuuden humussa, ja nimenä on Avatar: Fire and Ash. Ja kuten nimestä voi päätellä, on meno aiempaa vihaisempaa ja aggressiivisempaa.


Ohjaaja James Cameron kertoi asiasta Entertainment Weeklylle.

Avatar: Fire and Ash saapuu katsottavaksi 19. joulukuuta 2025, ja sitten Avatar 4 tulee 21. joulukuuta 2029, ja Avatar 5 lopulta 18. joulukuuta 2031. Cameronilla on jo ideointia valmiina kuudennelle ja seitsemännelle elokuvalle.

"It took a long time to come up with a title that I felt resonated with what's in the film. I don't think I could say too much about it until you actually see the film and you see what it means, but if you think of fire as hatred, anger, violence, that sort of thing, and ash is the aftermath"

"So what's the aftermath? Grief, loss, right? And then what does that cause in the future? More violence, more anger, more hatred. It's a vicious cycle. So that's the thinking. I think it goes to darker places than the previous ones did, but it's still obviously this open, glorious, grand adventure, which is what we aspire to do every time we set out"

"But we're not afraid to go into the dark places of our characters, which I think is also good. I think that's also what people really feel they want when they get to know a character well, either through a series or whatever it is that they follow. They want to know more. They want to know more about them, find out what their limits are, so to speak. And we do that"

Avatar: Fire and Ash

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