Tanskalaisella IO Interactivella on työn alla James Bond -peli, joka kertoo ihan oman tarinansa alkaen siitä, että James Bondin näyttelijä valitaan itse. Nyt kuulumisia ovat kertoneet IO Interactiven perustajat Hakan Abrak ja Christian Elverdam.
"Obviously for them, that is their role in the Bond franchise. So for us it's been about finding a mutual understanding of 'what is James Bond about... and as we've talked about, we're doing an origin [story], because one thing, to show the trust they've instilled in us, is that we're allowed to build a James Bond for the games [audience], which I think is a profound homage to where our industry is and where the medium is, in the sense that yes, it's time to have a James Bond character who was not a movie character but who's comfortably just his own game character."
Sekin selvisi, että peli on ollut suunnitelmissa vuodesta 2013 alkaen. Tuolloin IO Interactive oli puuhaamassa omasta Hitmanistaan sitä, mitä se nyt on.
"I can't recall the exact date but at some point it obviously became an interesting discussion of 'What if...?' Because at that point in time, obviously, there hadn't been a Bond game for ages."
Ajan saatossa on saatu useitakin James Bond -pelejä maailmalle, mutta ei enää pitkään aikaan. Saapa nähdä, milloin IO Interactiven versio saadaan kokeiltavaksi.
Kiitokset, Eurogamer