Kehittäjä Rogue Factor on ilmoittanut, että se on päättänyt lykätä pelinsä Hell is Us aina vuoden 2025 alkuun saakka. Lisäaika on tarpeen, jotta visio saadaan toteutetuksi asianmukaisesti.
Rogue Factor kertoi senkin, että lisätietoa pelistä kerrotaan vuonna 2024. Odottaa voi siis ainakin kuvia, ja ehkä julkaisun ajankohtaakin.
"Since the very beginning of the Hell is Us project, we have always wanted to develop a game with a strong identity and challenging gameplay that offers a new way to play. We are delighted with the way the game is shaping up, and we can't wait to share with you the universe our team has created.
"However, the scope of the game, the depth of its gameplay and the work we are putting in to create a genuinely original experience all take a lot of time. We are convinced we are creating a very promising game, which has encouraged us to make every effort to fulfil our creative vision.
"That's why, after assessing the time needed to achieve our ambitions, we can confirm that Hell is Us will be released in early 2025."