Kun pelaava kansa tyytymättömyytensä ilmaisee, on siihen yleensä ihan hyvä syy. Tällaisia voivat olla mikromaksut, pelin julkaiseminen bugisena ja puolivalmiina tai muut lähinnä pelijulkaisijan harjoittamat selvästi kuluttajavastaiset toimet. Joskus kritiikki kuitenkaan ei ole oikeutettua, ja osuu vieläpä väärään maaliin.
Final Fantasy XIV -ohjaaja Naoki Yoshida on kommentoinut asiaa pyytäen, että pelaava kansa lopettaisi pelinkehittäjiin kohdistuvan huonon käytöksen. Hän puhui asiasta suoratoistolähetyksessä, josta raportoi Immersed Gamer.
"I'm thankful and grateful for players to tell us that we should do this, or this should be that and whatnot, but verbal abuse is something we wish would stop[...][T]here are new players who join this game[...]this also means they are players who experience Endwalker as their first expansion, so it's a given that there will be mistakes and errors here and there, but after 11 years of journey with players up to this point it does make me feel that the language used ended up a little overboard there. I mean, I can take it, even though it doesn't make it less bad, but staff members will feel really down after getting those words when they gave their absolute best into trying to create something[...]everyone can enjoy[...]So I have only one request to every player out there - please imagine that you're speaking face to face with a developer[...]and imagine how they'd feel before sending your feedback over, and I'll be happy if people can do so politely."