Vaikean alkutaipaleen nähnyt Fallout 76 oli vahvasti esillä Bethesdan E3-esityksessä. Peliin luvattiin paljon uutta sisältöä, kuten tekoälyhahmojen paluu sarjaan. Nappasimme tekijöistä Chris Mayerin ja Dan Nannin kertomaan syitä ratkaisulle, sillä Fallout 76 oli alkujaan pelkästään moninpeli.
Mayer kertoi haastattelussa tärkeimmän syyn olleen fanien palautteessa. NPC-hahmoja toivottiin takaisin, ja vaikka ne muuttavatkin pelin luonnetta suuresti, ne haluttiin tuoda mukaan.
"Really, direct community feedback was the main reason that we're bringing NPCs back. It was our number one most-requested feature, so that was the motivation behind it".
"It's going to change the world a lot. So whereas the world felt like something devoid of humans that the players had to participate in trying to rebuild, now that the NPCs are coming back they're bringing their own backstory with them, they're going to change their environment, and it's going to be a lot different [of an] experience I think."
"We can expect to see the kind of dialogue choices that you're used to making in Fallout 3 and Fallout 4. Your SPECIAL points will matter, so I don't know if you noticed, but when we did the reveal some of the choices like use Charisma or Perception, so you can expect the SPECIAL points in your character build to play into that whole dialogue system."
"Really it's going to change the entire story, so if you're a player and you've played all the way through 76 already, it's new story; you can think of it as an extension. All these NPCs have come into the world, they're establishing their space and you can either help them or not," Mayer continued. "If you're a new player you're going to experience it right out of the Vault, so the entry-level game has changed for new players, so they will get immediately into that story with those NPCs."
Nuclear Winter -laajennukseen lukeutuvasta battle royale -tila sekä muu Fallout 76 -jutusteltu on nähtävissä alla olevalta videolta.