The Flash

Ezra Miller jatkaa The Flashin roolissa

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DC Comicsin elokuva The Flash saapuu katsottavaksi 14. kesäkuuta 2023. Elokuvan tuotanto on ollut pitkä ja poikkeuksellisen kivinen. Yksi syy tähän on pääosassa nähtävä Ezra Miller, joka on päätynyt otsikoihin koskien niin huumeidenkäyttöä, seksuaalista hyväksikäyttöä kuin väkivaltaista käytöstäkin. Warner Bros. pakotti näyttelijän hakemaan itselleen ammattiapua, mikä tapahtuikin.

The Flashin ohjaaja Andy Muschietti kertoi The Discourse -podcastissa, että Ezra Miller jatkaa vastaisuudessakin The Flashina.

"If [a sequel] happens, yes. I don't think there's anyone that can play that character as well as they did. The other depictions of the character are great, but this particular vision of the character, they just excelled in doing it. And, as you said, the two Barrys — it feels like a character that was made for them."

Muschietti ylisti Millerin suoriutumista kuvauksissa.

"In principal photography, Ezra was brilliant and the most committed and the most professional [actor]. Ezra gave everything for this role — physically, creatively, emotionally. They were absolutely supreme."

DC Comicsin pomo Peter Safran kertoi, että Miller on edistynyt suuresti viime kuukausina.

"Ezra is completely committed to their recovery, and we are fully supportive of that journey that they're on right now. When the time is right, when they feel like they're ready to have the discussion, we'll all figure out what the best path forward is. But right now, they are completely focused on their recovery. And in our conversations with them over the last couple of months, it feels like they're making enormous progress."

The Flash

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