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Agent... se oli aikaa se. Pelin piti olla se Rockstarin iso juttu silloin joskus kauan sitten, mutta lopulta pelistä ei koskaan tullut mitään. Rockstarin entinen työntekijä on nyt blogissa paljastanut, miten ongelmallinen tuotanto lopulta olikaan.
Ajatuksena oli jakaa Rockstar North puoliksi. Toiset olisivat uuden Grand Theft Auton kimpussa, ja toinen puolikas sitten Agentin parissa. Työnimenä agentilla oli Jimmy, ja blogisti oli työn touhussa yli vuoden, ennen kuin Rockstar päätti taas keskittää huomionsa Grand Theft Autoon.
Koskaan ei valmista saatu.
"After San Andreas we REALLY wanted to do something that wasn't GTA. Rockstar San Diego were working on a James Bond style game. Leslie Benzies was keen to do something along those lines. We did a demo doing some spy stuff in San Andreas. I think there was a hang glider and a car turning into a submarine or something."
"It impressed Rockstar San Digeo and New York and we started working on it. The idea was that the team in North would roughly be split down the middle. Half of us would work on the next GTA and the other half on Agent."
"The game wasn't progressing as well as we'd hoped. It was inevitable that eventually the whole company would have to get behind GTA IV. We tried to cut the game down in an attempt the get the bulk of it done before the inevitable call from Rockstar New York would come. We cut out an entire level (I think Cairo) and maybe even the space section."
"It became clear that Jimmy was going to be too much of a distraction for us and we ditched it. I think it was handed over to another company within R* but never got completed."
Kiitokset, Rock, Paper, Shotgun