Bend Studio ehdotti Sonylle peliä Days Gone 2, mutta moiset aikeet torjuttiin. Mutta mitä peli sitten olisi käsitellyt? Keskiössä olisi ollut Deaconin ja Sarahin suhteen syventäminen, ja tarinavetoisuus olisi pysynyt entisellään. Asiasta kertoi Days Gonen entinen ohjaaja Jeff Ross USA Todaylle.
"We would have kept the heavy, strong narrative. We would have kept the bike, obviously. And I think we would have expanded the tone a little bit in a more technical direction, kind of like, 'Alright, now we have all this NERO tech - what can we do with it?' The tone would have expanded one ring outward towards some of the new reality. I think this would have been a little bit more - I don't want to say Avengers, but something where the player had resources, he had some sort of the remnants of whatever the government had."
Harmin paikka, ettei Days Gone saa koskaan jatko-osaa.