
Call of Duty Leaguen paikkoja tarjottu OWL-sijoittajille?

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* Pakollinen tieto

Journalisti Richard Lewis on esittänyt väitteen Twitchissä, josta raportoi Dexerto, että Activision Blizzard tarjosi Overwatch Leaguen mahdollisille sijoittajille franchise-paikkaa Call of Duty World Leaguessa.

"[Activision] were offering - back when they were struggling to get VC groups to invest in the Overwatch Leagues - they were offering franchises in a Call of Duty league that didn't even exist yet as extra leverage."

"What they want to do for the Call of Duty league, they've said they're looking at the 'entertainment consortiums. It's interesting actually, there's a lot of sports stars that are trying to get in, I heard Floyd Mayweather's got a consortium going around."

"But yeah, they want to get entertainers in, and have these groups of entertainers that band together and create these weird little funds and little groups. And they think it will be a great fit for Call of Duty, because there's a lot of overlap with hip-hop culture."

Tiedot on tällä hetkellä otettava silkkana huhuna.


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