Blair Witch

Blumhouse suunnittelee The Blair Witch Projectin uutta versiota

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1990-luvun lopulla sensaatioksi nousi The Blair Witch Project, ja uusiksi otettiin vuonna 2016. Nyt on aika ottaa taas uusiksi, ja homman hoitaa Blumhouse.

Varietyn mukaan Blumhouse on yhdessä Roy Leen kanssa (joka puuhasi jo sitä edellistä uusintaversiota) luomassa sitä uutta The Blair Witch Projectia. Kohderyhmänä on tietysti se uusi sukupolvi.

Blumhouse tietenkin hehkutti asiaa.

"We have been incredibly fortunate to work with Jason many times over the years. We forged a strong relationship on The Purge when I was at Universal, and we launched STX with his film The Gift. There is no one better at this genre than the team at Blumhouse.

"We are thrilled to kick this partnership off with a new vision for Blair Witch that will reintroduce this horror classic for a new generation. We couldn't be more pleased to be working with them on this and other projects we look forward to revealing soon"

Blair Witch

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