Battlefieldin faneille on tuttu niin sanottu Rent a Server Program (RSP), jonka avulla fanit voivat vuokrata palvelimia pelatakseen vanhempia pelejä, jotka eivät välttämättä ole enää verkossa toiminnassa. Palvelu ei päde vielä Battlefield V:nteen. Redditissä kommentoinut global community manager Dan Mitre ei saanut selvästi sanotuksi, onko RSP tulossakaan viidenteen "BäFään". Voi olla, tai ehkä ei.
"In regards specifically to RSP, I'm going to keep it simple. You haven't seen an update in our direction with RSP because we haven't made a full decision internally whether or not we can deliver it."
"RSP needs to meet standards and your expectations with the tools we provide - that takes development resources. It also needs to make economical development sense - we can't introduce a feature that ends up costing more to keep maintained than it returns (I know that statement will open up more debate, and I encourage that, but this is the reality of the situation). In other words, we don't want to impact development resources of main game Quality of Life commitment and upcoming content by routing team bandwidth to RSP development. There's also financial implications here that go well beyond my remit. Let's tackle the former before we tackle the latter."
"That said, is RSP off the table? Not at all. Our teams need to weigh this carefully and either commit fully to the service or not provide it at all - and you need an official statement on what that decision is once it's been made."