Aiemmin tällä viikolla Pariisin kuuluisa kirkko Notre Dame paloi, ja nyt Ubisoft on ilmoittanut lahjoittavansa puoli miljoonaa euroa jälleenrakennusta varten.
Samalla selvisi sekin, että Assassin's Creed: Unity on viikon ajan ilmaiseksi ladattavissa PC:lle Ubisoftin omassa Uplayssa.
"When we created Assassin's Creed Unity, we developed an even closer connection with this incredible city and its landmarks - one of the most notable elements of the game was the extraordinary recreation of Notre-Dame. Video games can enable us to explore places in ways we never could have otherwise imagined. We hope, with this small gesture, we can provide everyone an opportunity to appreciate our virtual homage to this monumental piece of architecture."