Assassin's Creed Mirage

Assassin's Creed Miragessa ei ole omaa mytologiaa

Trailerin lopussa nähty olio on lampun henki.

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Jostain syystä Ubisoft päätti olla näyttämättä sitä oikeaa pelikuvaa uudesta Assassin's Creed Miragesta, joka pitäisi julkaista vuoden 2023 aikana. Nähdyn perusteella joissakin sarjan peleissä nähdyt fantastiset elementit loistavat poissaolollaan lukuun ottamatta traikan lopussa nähtyä oliota.

Gamereactorin haastatteleman ohjaaja Sarah Beaulieu'n mukaan kyseessä on lampun henki. Miragessa ei ole varsinaista mytologiaa.

"What you saw is also part of the back to the roots statement, which is we brought back... The memory corridors were there all along in Assassin's Creed, we've brought back the feather that you may have seen in the trailer too, and this creature that you saw is really much part of the Arabic mythology. It's a jinn, or a genie, as we call it in Arabic, it's a genie. But, it's part of the very specific moment that is the memory corridor."

"Just to be clear about that, there is no mythology in Assassin's Creed Mirage, it's a very specific creature with a very specific meaning that you will get to know when you play the game and get to experience the story for yourself."

Assassin's Creed Mirage

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