Assassin's Creed

Assassin's Creed -haastekisassa visaillaan tällä viikolla

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Assassin's Creed the Challenge on täällä taas - tällä kertaa visailun merkeissä. Vastaa kysymyksiin kommenteissa ja olet mukana maaliskuun AC Master Assassin -tittelin metsästyksessä. Onnea matkaan!

Assassin's Creed
Ensimmäisen Assassin's Creed -pelin arvion voi lukea tästä linkistä!

1. What is the name of the Bar Desmond Miles worked in before his kidnapping?
Bad Weather, Nothing Matters, You Win, Hidden Storm

2. Why does Abstergo Industries need Desmond?
They need his computer skills, They need his DNA, They need his fighting skills, he is randomly selected

3. In the animus Desmond visit the memories of his assassins ancestor Altair- Which finger is Altair missing in order to wield the hidden blade?
Index finger, Little Finger, Ring Finger, Middle finger

4: In Assassin's Creed you explore Altaïrs memories from a Crusade - but what Crusade is it?
The First Crusade, The Second Crusade, The Third Crusade, The Fourth Crusade

5. How many Templars leaders does Altair assassinate?
3, 6, 10, 12

6. Abstergo industries / the Templar order are looking for locations of the "Pieces of Eden". Altair locates one of these the Apple of Eden. What does the Templars need these items for?
To conceal them, To control mankind, To destroy them, To sell them

7. Abstergo industries refers to Desmond with a subject number. What number is he?
Subject 5, Subject 16, Subject 17, Subject 19


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